
Hannah Project Ministry

An initiative to help those under-resourced in our communities.

  • The Job Fair
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ministry
  • Kingdom Investment Strategies-Financial Literacy
  • Second Chance (RE-Entry) Programs for Ex-Offenders
  • K-12 Academic Support Services
  • Marriage University

Missionary Eva McGee, Chair of Steering Committee

For More Information (Click Here)

Christian Women's Council

The mission of the Christian Women’s Council is to educate others in the principles and practices of holiness and saintly living. Our council will serve as mentors for younger women, enabling them to establish and maintain Godly standards in church behavior, community relationships, home building, child development, self-improvement, and thus become soul winners.

Missionary Gloreatha Smith, President


Ways and Means

This committee consists of a group of women who aid the Supervisor with special projects by pursuing grants and other funding sources to support the projects.

Missionary Ida Block, President

The Nurses Unit

The mission of the nurses’ unit is to serve Jesus Christ and His people through the health ministry. Nurses and many other healthcare professionals join Christian and professional unity to promote holistic health, wellness, and healing, which we affirm come from the “redemptive work of Jesus Crist on the cross.”

Missionary Betty Jones, President

Purity Class

Purity is a Ministry. Its mission is to reach Puritans by exhorting Biblical principles of Jesus Christ and providing instructions for our Puritans to cultivate Christian virtue, integrity, and social graces while preparing them to lead with dignity and high moral codes. It is also important that they feel love and see love in action.

Missionary Verna Brooks, President

Sunshine Band

The mission of the Sunshine Band is to reach out to our children and offer an opportunity for them to receive salvation in their productive years. We desire to build a partnership between the home, the school, and the church in order to provide a spiritual foundation for each child by building character, faith, and self-worth.

Jennifer Belt, President

Education Committee

The education committee’s responsibilities include (1) informing and disseminating pertinent information, (2) Keeping women informed of current Department of Women initiatives and information, (3)Assisting in the development and support of finances to promote women and girls’ attainment of higher education and educational endeavors through scholarship support, and (4) developing and promote literacy among women and girls; and (5 ) collaborating with higher education institutions to assist women with obtaining admission to college by providing instruction and support to completing the enrollment process.

Missionary M Annette Barnes, Chairperson

Superintendents Wives Circle

These ladies are the wives of the men who collaborate closely with the Jurisdictional Bishop in the program of the Jurisdiction. Their primary role is to be supportive and sensitive to their husband’s ministry. They should always be careful to place emphasis on the importance of the ministry work. They should be a strong advocate and supporter of the District Missionary and Supervisor in the work of the Department in the Jurisdiction as they support the program of the General Supervisor.

Missionary Ingrid Stocker, Chairperson

Sewing Circle/Artistic Fingers

Our Mission is to be creative and dedicated women of God who will serve and glorify Him through the means of our God-given gifts.  To be a blessing to those in need and our churches by planting our tangible gifts into the lives of people everywhere.

Psalm 90:17 – And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

Missionary Rilla Byest, President

Young Women's Christian Council (YWCC)

The Young Women’s Christian Council (YWCC) is an organization that ministers to young women ages 18-40, married or single.  YWCC encourages holy living and dedication to Christian Service in the church and community. YWCC also addresses numerous concerns of young women which may include: finding a mate, home building, meal planning, parenting, child care and development, understanding teenagers, marital issues, etc. Additionally, YWCC is designed to be an asset to the local church and pastor, as well as the district, jurisdiction, and national work.

Although YWCC serves women aged 18-40, it includes the fellowship and instruction of mature women and mothers who serve as teachers and council mothers for this organization.

Missionary Gloreatha Smith, President

Prayer Warrior

This unit’s mission is to: undergird the leaders on all levels with prayer, care, and concern; pray for the church and the people of God everywhere; and be courageous with a heart for outreach and a love for all people.

Mother Willette Butler, Prayer Captain

Prayer and Bible Band

The mission of Prayer and Bible Band is to encourage individuals and families to build their spiritual lives through the study of God’s Word, combined with prayer, with the expectation that following the instructions given in the Word, they will be able to lead others to Christ.