Upcoming Events: ***** June 19-21 Arkansas First Jurisdiction Women's Department 73rd Convention Crusade @ Holy Temple Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Little Rock AR, starting at 6:00 p.m. Please View the Flyer Below for more information and registration. ******* *****

Congratulations To District Missionary Evelyn Smith on your position to Assistant Supervisor Designate!!!!

Arkansas First Jurisdiction

Department of Women

On behalf of the Department of Women, First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Arkansas, welcome to our website that is designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the rich history of our work and presence in the State of Arkansas.

This online presence is to promote THE DEPARTMENT OF WOMEN BRAND and showcase the many initiatives and accomplishments of the Department over the years.

The Arkansas First Jurisdiction Women’s Department (AR1JWD) is a vital and dynamic Ministry for more than 60 years in the structure of the Arkansas First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ. Through the auxiliaries and units, diligent and carefully orchestrated efforts continue to be devoted to presenting the gospel, demonstrating good works, and participating in the communities within the Jurisdiction. Consistently, we seek to find solutions that bring about change to help improve the quality of life for those we serve.

As you navigate this website, we hope you will be fully engaged in the ministries and accomplishments of the Department. Pray with us and for us that we will journey well as we continue to build a healthy and sustaining legacy of service and leadership in the communities of Arkansas First.


Hazel B. Deloney

Mother Hazel B. Deloney

Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women

First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Arkansas

Our Goals


To present the Gospel


To demonstrate good works which transform the community


To participate in the community

“ Let us serve together ”

Our Team

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